Raw results 4/7/14: Full recap

We will be covering Raw live as it happens. Refresh this page for updated results.

Opening segment. Raw kicks off with Daniel Bryan. The first showed the awesome video package on Daniel Bryan with the song “Monster” playing and still shots of Daniel Bryan’s championship win last night. This is a hot crowd. Bryan came out to huge YES chants. He said it’s hard to raise his hand when he’s holding 2 titles. He said he’d do it one more time but then he has to give his shoulders a break. He said that a little over 2 years ago he started to the YES chant. They chanted YOU DESERVE IT. He said he deserves it a little but the fans deserve it because when he started YESing it was about the power to make change and it was about the power of the fans and because of them he’s the new WWE World Heavyweight champion. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon came down. He got loud A@@HOLE chants. He said that he won’t step in the ring because he doesn’t want to do something he’ll regret. Bryan walked up to H’s face and did the YES in front of him. Triple H said it can’t last and he won’t make it through the night because tonight Bryan will defend the title against Triple H and he will put and end to this “crap.” He said that the reality is that it’s his show and there’s not a damn thing Bryan can do about it. Bryan led the crowd in YES chants again.

The 1 hour edition of the Hall of Fame ceremony airs after Raw. After the break we get still shots from last night.

Backstage we have Triple H, Steph, and Batista. Batista said that he earned a one on one match not a triple threat. Randy Orton says he deserves a rematch. Triple H said that they both get rematches but not tonight. Orton and Batista will challenge The Usos for the tag titles tonight. Triple H said that when the three of them are on the same page no one can stop them. That’s a subtle Evolution reformation tease. The Wyatt family made their way down for the next match.

 Wyatt Family vs. John Cena, Sheamus, and Big E. Raucous crowd solidly behind Bray. There was a commercial break in the middle of this match. No love for Sheamus from the crowd. Luke Harper kicked Big E in the jaw. Harper dove onto Sheamus onto the outside, Bray hit the sister Abail on Big E for the win. The Wyatts were mega babyfaces here. Fantastic match. They aired a commercial for Slam City.

BOLIEVE. Bo Dallas is coming.

Fandango and Summer Rae vs. Santino and Emma. The crowd is singing the Fandango song like last year. Quick match. Emma put Summer in the Emma lock and made her tap. Santino gave Emma a big hug. Fans did the Emma dance. UP NEXT: Brock Lesnar is next. They showed the Ultimate Warrior DVD commercial.

2nd hour segment. They show more WrestleMania still photos. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out. Brock had a EAT SLEEP BREAK THE STREAK shirt. Brock had a black eye. As Paul was talking he got loud Bull##hit chants. He said that he hates to said “we told you so but we told you so.” He said that he’s not here to make people smile, he’s here to put tears in the eyes of children. He said he’s going to shoot from the hip. He says that Taker collapsed after going through the curtain after the match.  Paul said that Vince McMahon rode to the hospital with The Undertaker. He said that Taker is being treated to a sever concussion and “this close” to a broken neck and a cracked skull and the best thing Taker did was not getting his shoulder up on that last F5 because Brock would have broken his skull and neck. He said Brock made sure he wasn’t done until the streak was did. He called out the announcers for giving Taker a standing ovation.. “Superdome Hogan not Silverdome.” Heyman said he didn’t understand that because The Undertaker was a loser last night. Heyman is on fire tonight. He said that the crowd is just like the lockerrom and they’re all a bunch of wannabees and when Brock walked to the back no body gave Brock a standing ovation. Heyman said Bryan, Cena, Taker never fought in an octagon because they’re all wannabees and Brock Lesnar is the one. He said that Rock, Hogan, Stone Cold never pulled off what Brock did because they’re wannabees. He said that Randy Orton, Triple H, and HBK didn’t break the streak because they’re all wannabees because Brock is the one in 21 and 1. This is one of the best promos in a long long time. He said that there is only one that stands above the rest. There is only one….Brock Lesnar. Usos vs. Orton and Batista is next.

Adam Rose vignette. They showed him on the exotic express.

Batista and Randy Orton vs. The Usos for the WWE tag team championship. There were loud Y2J and CM PUNK chants in this match.  Orton and Batista got disqualified early. They destroyed the Usos on the outside of the ring. Hulk Hogan will present the battle royal trophy to Cesaro tonight.

Rob Van Dam vs Damien Sandow. This is basically a showcase match for Rob. He looked good in his return. YOU STILL GOT IT chants. He beat Sandow with the Five Star Frog Splash. A Legends House commercial airs. Premieres one week from Thursday at 8pm. Daniel Bryan’s Journey to WrestleMania special airs on the WWE Network tomorrow night at 9pm eastern. We will list in in the WWE Network schedule page later tonight.

Rey Mysterio vs. Bad News Barrett. I feel sorry for Rey here because they are solidly behind Barrett. Barrett grabbed the mic and said he had some bad news. Before he said anything else Mysterio attacked and the match started. Mysterio was booed by the crowd. Rey hit the 619 got loud boos. Barrett broke up the splash from the top and hit the bull hammer for the win.

Titus O’Neil, the Bella Twins, Dolph Ziggler will be on The Soup this Wednesday on E at 10pm eastern. Alexander Rusev debuts on Raw next. After the commercial they showed another Adam Rose commercial.

Alexander Rusev vs. Zack Ryder. The Ravishing Russian Lana introduced Rusev. The graphic on screen was written in Russian. Quick match. He hit a samoan slam. Fans chanted USA, USA. He finished Ryder off with the Camel Clutch (now called the Accolade). They showed highlights from the WWE Hall of Fame. The Ultimate Warrior is up next on Raw.

More highlights from last night shown.

Ultimate Warrior returns to Raw. He had his classic Warrior jacket and shook the ropes. He said that it’s been hard for him to find the words. He put on a Warrior mask. He said that no WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. He said that all of the fans are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior. He saw many potential legends in the back and he said the fans will do the same for them. He said that the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever. Side note: Warrior had some trouble walking because he had hip surgery a few months ago.

“There is no WWE without you” commercial featuring cool crowd shots.

AJ Lee (with Tamina Snuka). She says this is day 295 as champion. The longest reigning Divas champion of all time. Last night she said it was AJ Lee vs the world and she overcame the odds just like she overcame the odds her entire life. She was a poor girl in New Jersey and now shes the best Diva in the world. Very very loud CM Punk chants. She said she is the savior of the Divas division. Paige came out. She got a great reaction. She said she came to do what no one else would…she congratulated AJ. AJ said she doesn’t need congratulations and told Paige to run back to NXT. She slapped Paige. AJ put her title up on the line. She asked for a referee even though Paige said she wasn’t ready. Fans were 100 percent behind Paige. Paige hit the Paige turner and won the Divas championship.

Hulk Hogan presents the battle royal trophy to Cesaro. Hulk Hogan comes out. He said WrestleMania was the biggest and baddest last night in the SuperDome. He said there were alot of great moments but the best moment was the Andre the Giant battle royal. That was the best moment for him. He said that he knew Andre was looking down with a smile on his face when Big Show got slammed last night. He said it was supposed to be 30 men but it turned out to be 31. He called Cesaro down to the ring. Cesaro came down with Zeb Colter. Hulk shook Cesaro’s hand and gave him the mic. Hulk left the ring. Colter took the mic. Colter said that he brought Cesaro into the fold even though he’s not from here and he made him a Real American and a Zeb Colter guy. Cesaro cut him off. He said he’s not a Zeb Colter guy. He said he’s a Paul Heyman guy. Paul went to the announce table and Swagger attacked Cesaro from behind and destroyed the trophy. Cesaro ran back in the ring and attacked Swagger. Crowd was behind Cesaro big time.

Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger joined in progress. Cesaro was getting the upper hand in the match but Swagger chose to leave the ring and he got counted out. Cesaro wins. Cesaro held up the broken Andre trophy. They announced The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family tomorrow for Main Event.

They showed media coverage of the ending of the streak. Steph is backstage with Kane and The Shield. She wants them to be on the same page and make sure that Triple H wins the title. Cesaro vs. Big Show was announced for Smackdown. Commercial break. It’s looking like we might not get Undertaker tonight unless this match is very short.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight title. Bryan was attacked by Orton and Batista as soon as he entered the ring. Orton hit him with the RKO. Batista hit him with the Batista Bomb. Kane’s music hit and he came down. Kane chokeslammed Bryan. Triple H came down to finish Bryan off. Triple H had his thigh taped up. He forced the referee to start the match. The Shield came down. The announcers played it up as more bad news for Bryan. The Shield faced off with Orton/Batista/Kane. Triple H tried to keep them apart. Reigns speared Triple H. The shield cleaned house. Reigns hit the superman punch on Kane. Bryan hit a running knee on Triple H. That was the end of the show. No Undertaker or Sting.

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