Full Monday Night Raw results 5/5/14

Welcome to the live Raw coverage. Raw is live in Albany, NY

Dean Ambrose defends the US title in a battle royal – Ambrose comes out first to start off the show. The roster comes out to the Raw theme. Names in the battle royal include, Rybaxel, Big Show, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Zack Ryder, Titus O’Neil, R-Truth, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, Fandango, Heath Slater, Xavier Woods, Sheamus, Santno Marella, Rob Van Dam, and Damien Sandow. There was a commercial break during the match. After the break everyone was laid out and we got a Big Show-Mark Henry confrontation. Everyone got up and eliminated Show and Mark Henry. Cody accidentally knocked out his brother. Santino was booed for eliminating Ziggler with the cobra. Ambrose eliminated both members of Rybaxel. The last 3 in the ring were Sheamus, Ambrose, and Swagger. Ambrose eliminated Swagger. Sheamus wins the United States title. After the match Triple H came out. Triple H said that it looks like Ambrose’s luck is changing and the The Shield will face the Wyatt’s later tonight. He said that The Shield’s luck has run out. Barrett vs. Big E rematch later tonight.

Commercial break.

Adam Rose vignette and then they showed a replay of Sheamus winning the U.S. title. Renee interviews Sheamus backstage. He gets some boos from the crowd. Sheamus said that he’s been spinning his wheels since he returned from injury. He said it’s about watching, waiting, and timing. Sheamus said “no hard feelings” to Ambrose in regards to Ambrose’s disadvantage in the match having to defend against 19 superstars. They went to still photos of Kane and Daniel Bryan’s match from last night. They go backstage to Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. Stephanie McMahon walks in and congratulates them but she says that all they did was anger Kane. She says that the only way to guarantee their safety is to stay put in the locker room until his match. Then Steph shut the door and the Kane mask was shown on the door. RVD comes down for his match.

Commercial break.

Cesaro vs. Rob Van Dam – After the break Paul Heyman comes out and says that in case you didn’t hear the breaking news…Brock Lesnar conquered the undefeated streak at WrestleMania. He then introduces Cesaro. Several minutes into the match Cesaro clotheslined RVD to the outside and they went to commercial break. Late in the match RVD got hung up in the ropes. Cesaro kept beating on RVD and the referee called for the bell. RVD wins by DQ. Paul pulled Cesaro away and told him to stop before he gets suspended.

WWE now has a referral program. If you refer a friend to sign up to the WWE Network you’ll get a $25 gift card for WWEShop.com. Limit is up to 10 friends. They cut to the Wyatt Family backstage. Bray said “we’re here”. They cut to a Legends House commercial.

Bray Wyatt segment – Back from the break and Bray is in the ring in his rocking chair cutting a promo. He basically said that he does this for each and every one of you. He said that as of today John Cena stands alone and alone he shall fall and “you children” stand with Bray and will never be alone again. He said that he will be remembered as a god.

Cody Rhodes (with Goldust) vs. Ryback (with Curtis Axel) – Cole noted that Cody inadvertently eliminated Goldust earlier. Ryback wins after Curtis pushes Goldust into the ring post causing Cody to lose his balance on the top rope causing him to get shell shocked.

Daniel Bryan and Brie backstage. The lights went out. Daniel and Brie leave and we see the Kane mask. Steph says she’ll get a car for them and tells them to stay put.

Los Matadores Cinco De Mayo celebration – They throw candy out to the crowd. There’s a pinata, mexican flags and a red carpet in the ring. 3MB interrupts. Jinder’s shoulder is taped up. Heath Slater said that they came out to call a truce. Jinder told them to speak english because they’re in America. Drew said that it’s not a request, it’s a demand and they will accept the truce offer or they will spoil the party. Torito gave Hornswoggle some candy. Hornswoggle spit it out and they fought. Slater was left in the ring and was tossed out by Los Matadores. El Torito spun Hornswoggle around and gored him out of the ring. They threw more candy into the crowd. They plugged Barrett vs. Big E for tonight and then showed the fan appreciation commercial that thanks the WWE fans.

They aired a new BOLIEVE vignette.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alexander Rusev (with Lana) – Lana said she’s proud to come from a country as dominant as Russia. They showed Vladimir Putin on the big screen. She said that we are merely pawns and welcomed Edward Snowden and said that America’s secrets are safe. She then introduced Rusev. That’s how the name was shown on the screen so maybe they decided to get rid of the first name. Kofi got some offense in but this was basically another showcase match for Rusev. Rusev submitted Kofi with the accolade. They plugged the WWE Network for XBox One. They cut to backstage. Bryan and Brie get into a car. They portray that Bryan is scared of Kane and on the look out as he gets in the car. Brie gets in first, then Bryan gets in. Brie gets startled when Steph walks up to the window. Steph apologized but said they can’t leave until Bryan has his match.

They showed a commercial for the WrestleMania XXX blu ray/DVD. They are offering over 4 hours of extras including the Hall of Fame. I don’t see why anyone would purchase it considering that it’s all on the network.

Commercial break.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan – if Bryan doesn’t wrestle then he’ll be in breach of contract and will be stripped of his title. Brie is out there with him. The story in the match is that we’re all supposed to wonder where Kane is. They had a commercial break during this match. Bryan worked over Del Rio’s knee. Late in the match Bryan hit the diving headbutt on Del Rio for a near fall. They played it up like Bryan was not at 100% going into this match because of last night. Bryan got the YES lock on Del Rio and made him tap. Kane’s music hits. Kane and Brie run out of the ring and to the back. Kane and Brie get in the car backstage and the car won’t start. Bryan pops the hood and notices a wire unplugged. He closes the hood and then we see Kane in the back seat. Kane gets out and attacks Bryan. Brie’s acting is horrible here. Kane is on top of the car and Bryan tries to start the car with Kane on top of it. Bryan speeds off and Kane falls off the car. Bryan stops the car, gets out and looks at Kane laying down. Kane sits up and chases but Bryan speeds off. Lame storyline. Nice way to make the babyface look like a chump.

Commercial break.

Back from the break. Adam Rose vignette. They replayed the Kane/Daniel Bryan stuff from a few minutes ago.

Big E vs. Bad News Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship – Barrett has some bad news. He says that there will be some changes. The deformed slobs might have been worthy of a champion like Big E but they’ll need some serious cosmetic surgery to be worthy of a champion like Bad News Barrett. Big E ran into the ring post after Barrett moved out of the way. Commercial break in the middle of this match. Late in the match Big E pulled the straps down and tried to hit the big ending but Barrett slipped out and raked Big E’s eyes causing Big E’s vision to be impaired. Barrett hit the bull hammer and got a relatively clean pin on Big E. They showed a recap of the battle royal from earlier tonight.

Cena will respond to Bray tomorrow on WWE Main Event. They showed a commercial for Total Divas.

Back from the break. They show a mothers day message from Mr. T. Basically it’s remixed clips from his Hall of Fame speech with music.

Adam Rose debut – Colter said that he’s sick of the influx of illegal immigrants. Zeb revealed his deportation list. The list has Cesaro, Emma, Sheamus, Paul Heyman, Snatino Marella, and Paige on it. Adam Rose’s music interrupted him. Rose offered Zeb a lollipop. Swagger tried to attack but Adam Rose suplexed him out of the ring. Rose and his rosebuds danced in the ring. There was no match.

Wyatt Family vs. The Shield – Rollins right elbow was taped up. Things started to pick up after they came back from break. Rollins did the cool dive on the Wyatt’s. Later Harper did a dive onto Rollins on the outside knocking Rollins into the announce table. Later on, Roman cleaned house while Ambrose was knocked out near the announce table. Everything broke down and they brawled. Rollins and Ambrose dove on Harper and Rollins on the outside leaving Rollins and Bray in the ring. Reigns hit the superman punch on Bray. They set up for the triple powerbomb but Evolutions music hits. Reigns hit the superman punch on Triple H. Wyatt took advantage of the distraction and pinned Reigns after the sister Abigail. After the match Evolution attacked The Shield. Orton hit the DDT off the ropes on Rollins. Batista slammed Ambrose on the steel steps outside the ring. Triple H was about to hit a pedigree but Reigns broke free and was hit with an RKO by Orton and then Triple H finally got the pedigree on Reigns. They hit the triple powerbomb on Reigns. Reigns was bleeding from his mouth. Evolution’s played as Raw went off the air.


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