Reason why WWE announcers never say “pre-show” when talking about PPV Kickoff shows

Everyone has heard about Vince McMahon’s list of banned words that are not allowed to be used on WWE television. For years, wrestlers have been saying “WWE Universe” in place of saying “fans.” The word “wrestler” has gotten on the air a few times but most of the time the word “Superstar” or “Sports Entertainer” is used and this applies to wrestler appearances outside of WWE TV.

Bryan Alvarez noted on his Extreme Rules recap show that “pre-show” is also not allowed to be said and that is why the pre-shows are referred to the Kickoff show (ie the Extreme Rules Kickoff show).

“The new one I heard today which I should have known but he hates pre-show. You’re not allowed to call it the pre-show. Not even in the meeting. It’s not even just on TV.” Alvarez continued, “You must call it the Kick Off show, not the pre-show.”

The Kickoff show phrase started in 2012 and McMahon hasn’t looked back since then. So, if you ever wondered why you never hear “pre-show” mentioned, there’s your reason.

Some of the words that have been banned over the years include belt, strap, fans, feud, shot, backstage, hospital, faction, U.S., DQ, pro wrestling, our industry, house show, international, talent, me, I, house show, and war. There are many others but you get the point.

Alvarez also talked about a move that was unbanned earlier this year after McMahon saw an online clip that went viral. Click here for more on the unbanned move.

Please credit with a h/t to for the transcription.

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