Recent Photo Surfaces Of Brock Lesnar

While away from WWE, Brock Lesnar is living his best life, as he goes out more than ever and enjoys time with his family.

Fans shouldn’t expect to see Lesnar back on television in the near future, as the company has distanced itself from Lesnar due to the sex trafficking lawsuit that Janel Grant filed against John Laurinaitis, Vince McMahon, and WWE. A former WWE/UFC Heavyweight Champion was named in the filing. The Wall Street Journal later identified Lesnar as that former champion.

Because of this, WWE dropped the former WWE Champion from its plans, including matches at the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and WrestleMania 40. GUNTHER has confirmed their plans to work Mania.

WWE’s legal team has yet to clear Lesnar, and until that happens, he reportedly won’t be back. In a recent interview with The Daily Mail, Triple H was asked about Lesnar’s status.

Triple H said, “You’d have to ask Brock Lesnar that. Brock kind of does his own thing. He’s up in Canada, I’m sure, watching his kids play hockey and enjoying life. If and when he decides he would like to do something, we’d be open to the conversation. We’ll see.”

As seen below, the Red Clay Strays shared recent photos on their Instagram account, including one of Lesnar backstage at one of their shows.


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