Referee Mike Chioda explains why he did not like Sid Vicious

On the latest episode of “Monday Mailbag” on, referee Mike Chioda answers questions on the Royal Rumble, Edge’s return, Money In The Bank cash-ins, EC3, touring India with WWE, and more.

Here are some highlights:

Mike Chioda was asked:  “Is there a Plan B if the winner of the Royal Rumble gets hurt or eliminated during the match?”

“No, there is no Plan B. When you’re going into a Royal Rumble match, we can call this stuff on the fly. If there’s two guys that go out at the same time, I’m sure we would just restart the match and redo those two competitors. If they fell out at the same time, it would be a draw. If anybody would get hurt, we would call it on the fly and say this one’s going over or they would let that guy lay low for a while and we would come up with a Plan B finish with the same guy, but everything is called on the fly at certain times. It would come from Vince and whoever’s in charge of gorilla, the producer or agent. If Vince is watching and he’s there, he’s going to decide who he wants to go over at that time. You have to remember that when you have something going on, you could always take it away from him on Monday Night Raw if you had to go another direction with the storyline.”

“Was there ever a performer that you wanted to meet and when you did, it was an unpleasant experience?”

“Probably, not an unpleasant experience for me so much, but probably Sid Vicious. He was one of the most arrogant guys back in the day. He had a don’t give a s**t about anything, attitude to be honest with you. When he was in his prime, I would have to say Sid Vicious. You never knew what he was going to do in the ring. You didn’t know if he was going to blow a gasket or blow his lid. I always kept my distance from that one.”

The entire show is available now at

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “Mailbag Monday with Mike Chioda on” with a h/t to for the transcription.

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