Road Dogg on CM Punk: ‘He’s not the second coming. He’s just a man and he’s kind of a-hole’

Ahead of this Monday’s Raw 30th anniversary show, Road Dogg and Casio Kid talked about the Raw 25th anniversary show that featured appearances by DX, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Vince, Shane and Stephanie McMahon.

Road Dogg comparing his upcoming appearance at RAW 30 to the one he had had RAW 25:

“I think it is awesome and I can appreciate this one a little more because of where I’m at in my head and what chapter of my life I’m in and all that. It does mean a lot more to me now than it did five years ago.”

Road Dogg also gave his thoughts again on CM Punk, who he has not had nice things to say about in previous podcasts.

“The truth be told, and this ain’t an I told you so, but it keeps coming out like one and I apologize for that,” Road Dogg said. “I knew how this guy was from dealing with him personally, but it finally seems like other people have seen how he is too now and it’s like, oh, okay, so he’s not the second coming. He’s just a man and he’s kind of a-hole. I don’t know how else to say it.”

Also on this show, Road Dogg talked about Austin giving Vince the stunner, Elias, the DX reunion with Razor Ramon, FTR, and more. You can listen to the podcast at

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