Road Dogg says “most fans have no idea what 5 stars even means”, X-Pac responds

Brian James has wrestling in his blood. Pro wrestling has been his entire life as he followed in his family legacy and this shoo-in for the WWE Hall Of Fame is currently sitting at the top creative position on SmackDown Live. Road Dogg really should be respected if anything because The D-O-Double G gave a whole generation of children obnoxious things to yell at each other on the playground at school. Road Dogg’s verbiage during the Attitude Era was probably responsible for more detentions than smoking in the boys room.

But recently Road Dogg had a little spat with the fans…#FireRoadDogg was a thing and YOU SHOULD SEE HOW HE REACTED TO IT. Some fans would like to see SmackDown Live go in a different direction and they aren’t shy about letting him know.

It has to be frustrating for Road Dogg because putting together a PPV or TV show can’t be an easy thing to do and the fans just never seem satisfied. Road Dogg recently decided to unleash a little bit by explaining in short that most fans don’t know what good wrestling is even though WWE tries their best. But overall money is always important as well.

It is probably true a majority of the casual wrestling audience that WWE wants to bring into the product don’t understand Dave Meltzer’s rating system. So they might not appreciate pro wrestling like a die-hard fan. This seemed like a good way for Road Dogg to make his point.

X-Pac decided to jump in and throw his sarcastic two cents in there as well. He said Road Dogg has to make a choice as if it’s impossible to put on a good show and make money at the same time.

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