Rob Van Dam appeared on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including whether he has retired from wrestling.
Rob Van Dam made a name for himself in ECW before going to WWE. He held titles such as the WWE Championship and the Intercontinental Championship there. At ECW One Night Stand 2006, he cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase against John Cena, winning the WWE Championship.
RVD later expanded his career with TNA/Impact Wrestling stints and made periodic returns to WWE. His influence on contemporary high-flying wrestlers is undeniable, and his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2021 recognized this.
“I don’t [think I am], and I don’t think I will [retire]. That’s how I feel right now. I feel like even if I don’t take wrestling bookings anymore. I don’t think I’ll make a big deal out of retirement. Because when wrestlers retire they end up coming back and wrestling anyway. ‘No, I want one more match.’ For me, that is completely eating up the credibility that I had in wrestling retirement matches. I doubt that I’ll ever feel like, ‘No, I’m going to be different. I never want to wrestle right now. I’m done.’ I just see me is just going with the flow. And someday, when you say, are you still wrestling? I might say, It’s been six years, and then I might have a match.”
While he is currently under a Legends contract with WWE, he has also recently appeared in matches for AEW.
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