Roman Reigns: If The People Want Me Against The Rock, I’m Sure We Can Make Something Happen

The Rock planted the seeds to do the Roman Reigns match at WrestleMania XL in January when he returned. However, once they pushed Cody Rhodes aside and announced he wouldn’t challenge Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Title at WrestleMania 40, fans pushed back.

Things changed as Rock pivoted with a heel turn and alliance with The Bloodline. It set the stage for Rock and Reigns to beat Rhodes and Seth Rollins at WrestleMania XL night one before Rhodes dethroned Reigns as Undisputed WWE Champion. It’s believed that WWE still has plans to do Rhodes vs. Rock at WrestleMania 41 with the idea of still doing Rock vs. Reigns at a later date, although Wrestlevotes reported that the idea of a triple threat with all three men is on the table for Mania next year.

While speaking on SI Media With Jimmy Traina, Reigns was asked about the potential match with The Rock.

“I think our fan base and the company has proven that if our fans are loud enough and passionate enough about something, we’re a company who, you know, we’re not being dictated to. Of course, we have a vision for where we’re trying to go. We know who the consumers are. We know who’s paying their hard-earned money, and we want to satisfy those people. We have to do it in regards to what is going to attract more eyes and bring more people in. Dwayne’s always going to be in that role. He’s always going to be a guy that just magnetizes and makes the broadcast even bigger. So if that’s the case, and that the people want it, that’s what’s cool. Man, we’ve had such a strong set of talent in our roster. Who would have thought that Cody could have had so much admiration that it could have broken up the plans of the Tribal Chief versus the People’s Champion. That, in its own right, is pretty outstanding. It’s amazing. So I think that just kind of goes back to, yeah, there’s a lot of meat on the bone. If Dwayne can’t come in and just, boom, this is how it is brother, then that’s when you know you’re cooking up with some really good ingredients, and I think that’s why he is tied in the way he is. That’s why he’s a part of the board and a part of everything the way he is because we’re at an unprecedented time right now. Business is great, and we just want to continue to push things up. So if that’s what the people want, and the People’s Champ is down, I’m sure we can make something happen.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit SI Media With Jimmy Traina with an h/t to for the transcription.

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