ROYAL RUMBLE SPOILER: Major name arrives in Pittsburgh

Kevin Nash just arrived at the WWE hotel in Pittsburgh and was seen talking to wrestlers in the lobby. Nash dyed his hair this week. He claimed it was for a possible role in a TV pilot. I doubt Nash being at the WWE hotel is a coincidence so it looks like he’ll be a surprise at the Royal Rumble.

Also, Sheamus and Chris Jericho are in Pittsburgh and are both booked for a car show appearance so it’s very possible that both will be at the pay-per-view tomorrow.

I’ve gotten a few emails asking about Hulk Hogan’s status for tomorrow. I haven’t heard anything. If they bring in Hogan they would probably fly him into a separate airport and keep him in a limo or bus up until it’s time for him to make an appearance. I don’t know if he will appear tomorrow though. Anything’s possible but if he doesn’t appear then perhaps they’ll hold him off for the February 24th Raw which will be the show that will be focused on big time hype for the WWE network.

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