Rusev: I don’t want to be forgotten, I do all these things but nothing changes

Rusev and Lana were the guests on this week’s “Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia.” Lana talked about growing up in Russia and feeling like an outsider. She also got emotional about her eating disorder when she was younger. It was very emotional at one point.

The talk eventually shifted to Rusev in WWE and it’s clear that he is frustrated with the way things have gone so far. Rusev talked about winning the United States Championship and how proud he was to hold that title.

“It meant a lot because it was the first championship I ever won,” Rusev said. “It kind of hurts me because nobody cares about it. It feels like I’m the only one that cares about that title. I wanted to make it bigger. I wanted to make it what it was when I wrestled John Cena for it. It seems like every time somebody else has it, nothing happens. Now that I lost it, the title belt is gonna get lost again and I’m going to get lost probably too.”

“I always wanna see myself on the card,” Rusev said when Garcia asked if he sees himself this year at WrestleMania. “I picture myself there but again…”

He talked about how strong he looked and he was featured when he first started on the main roster but “the more you hang around, the more you’re forgotten. Doesn’t matter how good you are. I think I’m good, I always think I was good.”

Garcia pointed out that there are so many names like John Cena, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles and others that won’t allow people to be forgotten. Rusev responded, “It doesn’t matter what I do, it kind of ends up the same thing.”

Lana noted that Rusev dropped 50 pounds and he’s been working extra hard on his body. She said, “He gets frustrated because he has lost over 50 pounds and he works really hard on his body and everything and he’s like ok maybe then I will be WWE Champion. He should be WWE Champion, he’s amazing. He is the super athlete. I would be pissed if I was him.”

Garcia asked if there is something else that has been triggered in Rusev. He said, ” I fight for everything … I do want to look my best, I do wanna be at my best because I wanna be WWE Champion. I want to be on top. I don’t want to be forgotten but that’s what irks me is I do all these things but nothing changes and that is where the frustration comes. What am I supposed to do? I cut my hair, I did that. It was not a good decision [laughs].”

He continued, “I’m just trying something to catch Vince’s eye with this and that. We go, we pitch, we talk. It never comes to anything.”

Rusev believes things come in waves. He mentioned that sometimes there’s a little hump (a mini push) and then he goes back down. He added, “I think last year around WrestleMania and before that, the whole Rusev Day started and everything. I thought it was my time. I keep pushing and I keep talking to everybody and nobody wants to do anything.”

Rusev said it’s very frustrating but he still hits the gym so he can get better. “I don’t know what is holding me back, to be honest. I really don’t.”

Garcia asked what is next for Rusev after Rusev Day. He responded, “not Rusev Day. We tried to push it a year too late so nobody cares about it anymore.”

Lana said Rusev’s run with Roman Reigns was the height of Rusev’s confidence. After that is when they looked for something for the crowd to chant. This idea came a year and a half before it was pushed on TV on Mixed Match Challenge. She said people started chanting with them when he was paired with Aiden English and they sang “Rusev Day.”

Garcia asked why WWE broke them up with Aiden English. Rusev said, “Who’s to say? Management had different visions. We fought, we fought. If it ain’t broke, there’s nothing to fix.”

Lana added, “I think that our Chairman, he always prefers him as a bad guy. I think that is really what it all boils down to.” Rusev said, “I love being a heel. I’ve never been a babyface in my life until these last two months.”

Part 2 of the interview will be released next week. I highly recommend for everyone to listen to part 1. You can listen by clicking on the player below.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia with an h/t to for the transcription

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