Rusev on why he is thankful to John Cena, motivation and money in WWE, what it was like to have COVID-19

Former WWE Superstar Rusev (Miro) was the guest this week on “The Ryback Show.”

Miro was on to talk about his run in WWE, his release and what he’s doing now with To Be Miro on Twitch and YouTube. You can check out some of the transcribed highlights below:

Miro talked highly about John Cena:  “I’m so thankful that I got to work with John Cena who taught me every single thing.  He talked about the crowd and the timing.  It was an unbelievable experience.  You can tell people who work with him, their timing vs people who never worked with him.  I am just so blessed working with him.  Even to this day, every day I will give thanks to John Cena for teaching me how to wrestle.  I had great trainers.  Then I went to the PC. Again, great training, but it’s not like you’re training in battle.  It’s still practice.  But when you go out there, and John says, I’ll see you in the ring.  What’s your four moves?  Ok, I will see you in the ring.  You go out there and put on a 30-minute match in front of 10,000 people with nothing going on, then you learn.  All you have to do is listen to the people and listen to John and understand why he is saying these things and then go visit with him afterwards so he can explain it to you.”

Miro discussed motivation and money:  “How do you get ahead when you’ve done everything right and you are still pushed down?  What is your motivation from day to day?  The paycheck?  Nowadays, we can get good paychecks pretty much anywhere.  I love WWE’s paydays.  It’s great, especially compared to 5 to 10 years ago.  I want to make more money for you so I can make more money for me.  Don’t stop me from doing that.  It’s not smart business.”

Miro talked about having COVID:  “I had a few bad days.  My taste disappeared first.  I was sitting home and I was getting really hot and then really cold and I thought, what is going on?  I couldn’t sleep for three days.  After a week, my taste came back and I was back to being normal.  I never had any severe symptoms.  At the same time, when you see CJ’s mom, she went to the hospital.  Her dad was in bed all day.”

You can listen to the entire podcast by clicking on the link below and scroll down for the latest video posted on the “ToBeMiroTV” YouTube channel.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Ryback Show with a h/t to for the transcription


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