Ryback jokes that women can’t climb ladders, says women wrestlers need to play up their “sexiness”

Former WWE Superstar Ryback is getting some heat on social media over comments made on his podcast about the women in WWE. The comments were posted on a fan Twitter account. Click below to listen or scroll down for a transcription of what he said.


“This is what I’ve always said the women are lacking today is playing up to their sexiness. The women – they did a bodyslam and whatever and they got on the rope and shaking their ass… if a girl did that today, she would be the most over diva on the roster. That’s why I always liked Melina doing the splits. This is what makes women different than men because the women can do all of the moves – not as good as the guys [laughs]. They can’t climb ladders and we’ll talk about that. It’s a joke, guys. That’s the one thing they have over men is that sexuality that men can sit there and tell their wives, ‘no, I’m just watching wrestling hun’ and that comes out and they get away watching it like they should play up to that. They could still do all of the wrestling stuff but just throw me some sexiness in there. Billy Bob watching in the middle of bumsf**kingville Arkansas – that’s what he wants to see. He doesn’t want to see a 10 fucking star headlock takeover.”

Ryback added, “they could all subtly do things. They’re all beautiful girls. I’m not saying that they all have to go shake their ass on the top rope. Just play up the sexuality a little more. It’s very subtle. It makes all the difference for that casual viewer.”

Ryback’s co-host Pat Buck said that Trish Stratus used to do the same thing and she would “bend over with her gimmicks hanging out and her hands on her knees and she did that for a reason, so people could see her cleavage.” Ryback added, “it’s not sexist. That’s what men and women were put on this Earth to reproduce and to be sexually attracted to each other. The women check out the guys all the time.”

Things got creepy later on. Buck said, that the males “will pretend that they’re watching female wrestling from a point of view of action” Ryback interrupted and said, “like Dave Meltzer is critiquing on the technical side for 5 stars but he’s also jerking off while he’s trying to rate it for 5 stars.” Buck continued, “no motherfucker, you guys just wanna smell these girls socks. Stop pretending…” Buck said that he thinks it’s great that the women’s evolution is an “awesome thing” but “I like when the women are women too. Just a little bit and then get back to the fucking fake fighting.”

I would like Ryback and Buck to explain why the women’s WRESTLING segments are consistently among the highest rated segments on many weeks. I’d like Ryback and Buck to check out the Mae Young Classic and see the fan reaction to women being allowed to work as athletes. The women typically will get the best reaction when they are given time to work and put on great matches. The era of lingerie pillow fights is over because many fans would groan during those segments.

Ryback, despite not being tagged in the tweet, blocked the woman that posted the clip from his podcast.



If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Conversation with the Big Guy podcast with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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