Ryback rips John Cena again for not meeting a kid’s father at live event, Cena almost getting a wrestler fired, more

On this week’s “Conversation With The Big Guy” podcast, Ryback and Pat Buck covered a wide variety of topics and John Cena’s name came up again. He talked about the attention he got from the previous podcast where he talked about the “real” John Cena and how he, according to Ryback, is not always the nicest guy.

During this week’s follow-up, Ryback said, “everyone else was an outsider. I was inside. I have my own personal first-hand experiences and accounts with John [Cena].” He added, “I base everything around telling the truth and some things are obviously from my perspective. It would be detrimental for me to say things that are not true, from my account and my experiences. I have no agenda.” He said that he spoke about Cena honestly when it came up. He said that Cena was fine to work with and never had a problem with him in the ring and he thinks Cena is a very good wrestler. Outside of the ring, it was a different story.

“I love the wrestling business. John always says he loves the WWE but he does things that are only good for John Cena and he’s shown it time and time again and everybody knows it that is on the inside [in WWE].” He said that he is friends with a lot of the guys on the roster. He put over guys like Rusev, Dolph Ziggler and Stu Bennett (Wade Barrett). Ryback told a story about a guy who poked Cena in the eye accidentally and Cena had the guy sent back do developmental and almost ended his career. He said, “that guy f***ing rose above and  made the most of it and reinvented himself and is one of the few guys that is the man up there and has been a good soldier for them time and time again.” He added, “there’s also another incident when we were backstage at a live event with John and I’m sitting there and we had already been working together and John already didn’t like me.” Ryback believes that Cena saw him as a threat and if they knew each other only outside of wrestling then there wouldn’t be a problem. He said that outsiders don’t know what is going on. “They are watching the movie and thinking that the movie is real life. You are watching a movie so quit buying into the movie because that’s all that you see. I have been behind the scenes and I know the truth.” Ryback later added, “his mindset is not good for the wrestling business and it’s not good for fans. So that’s what I meant when I said that he’s a poison and he’s a piece of sh*t.”

He continued on with the story from the live event and said, “there was a guy there who was a father…he worked at the building. He says ‘I just want to say that I’m a huge fan of WWE.'” The father wanted to thank Cena because his son had a big problem bullying other kids and the Be A Star program with John Cena finally made something click with his son and he stopped bullying kids.” Ryback said noted how incredible that was and then went to tell the story to Cena. “I go to John and I tell him that. John looks up and looks at the guy (he’s about 100 feet away), and he looks at me dead in the eye and he says ‘f**k him’ and [Cena] walks away.” Ryback added, “that’s one little piece of everything that I’ve seen, off the top of my head.” Ryback added, “his character is the ultimate good guy but people buy into it.”

They also did a “name game” segment with Ryback’s thoughts on different people in the wrestling business. He gave his thoughts on Randy Orton, Big Show, The Undertaker, the WWE creative team, Vince McMahon, Brock Lesnar, Zack Ryder, CM Punk and others.

He also talked about WWE trying to take over his social media account at one point. He said that they brought everyone into a room to with a packet that included verbiage about social media. Apparently, this was a response to wrestlers promoting things on their accounts and making revenue outside of WWE. He cited Eva Marie’s supplement plugs as an example. Ryback says that he was one of the only guys not to sign off. He says that WWE would have been able to nix any non-WWE items being promoted on social media. He put over most of the roster as great human beings that would do anything for the company and he wishes that WWE and Vince McMahon would make it better for them.

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