Ryback wants an apology from CM Punk

Former WWE star Ryback got fans talking last week when he commented on a video that was shared by WWE Backstage host Renee Young on social media. 

The video featured Young Punk, Becky Lynch, and Paige walking past a camera as they were headed to the set of the show. Ryback saw the footage and commented on the post via Instagram by writing, “4 bad ass b—–s.”

Ryback discussed the reason he made the comment on a recent episode of Conversations With The Big Guy Ryback on Ryback TV where he noted that plans to take shots at Punk because of the comments made by Punk years ago.

In fact, Ryback wants an apology from the former WWE Champion. 

“I just call it like I see it, Raj. Colt Cabana has come up to me and shook my hand and apologized for having anything to do with any of that because it was absolute bulls***. Until [Punk] does, I will continue to take my shots left and right,” said Ryback.

“I’ve talked well about him more than I even have the right to on the things that he’s done. That guy single-handedly caused a lot of people to not like me.”

Punk blasted Ryback by telling stories of him being unsafe in the ring and accused him of steroid usage on Cabana’s “Art of Wrestling” podcast from November of 2014. 

You can watch the entire video by clicking on the player below:


H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcription

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