Samoa Joe makes his main roster WWE debut and attacks Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins called out Triple H again on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw. Stephanie McMahon promised that Triple H would be showing up to confront Rollins at the end of Monday Night Raw but Triple H (who did indeed show up at the end of the show) had a surprise for him.

Triple H came out to the ring for the first time since August and in the final segment, he talked about plucking Rollins from obscurity and making him a star. He also talked about Rollins accomplishments with The Shield and with The Authority. Triple H claimed that Rollins could not keep up his end of the bargain and he collapsed under the pressure and then Rollins spit in his face when he returned from injury last year. He called Rollins and abject failure that didn’t take responsibility for failing. Triple H said that he has been trying so hard not to be “that guy” anymore because he doesn’t want to be the guy that crushes careers and that is why he puts on a suit and goes to the office. Then he said that he is done trying. That’s when he took his business coat and tie off and called out Rollins.

Rollins came out to confront Triple H but, before he could get his hands on Triple H, he was attacked by someone else. Samoa Joe, who positioned himself under the ring during the final commercial break, appeared and brutally attacked Rollins at ringside. Triple H walked away as Joe continues his attack on Rollins in the ring. Joe finished off Rollins with the kokita clutch choke. I guess this means that we’ll get Joe vs. Rollins at Fastlane.

There had been talk of a Samoa Joe vs. John Cena match at WrestleMania but if Joe is being slotted for the Raw brand then that could mean that the match with Cena will not be happening. It will be interesting to see what the plans are for Joe at Mania since Rollins is expected to face Triple H.

If you missed this week’s Monday Night Raw, click here for complete results from the show.

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