Sasha Banks declares she is better than Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock and The Undertaker

Sasha Banks was interviewed this week by the Gorilla Position podcast. Banks is having a great year as she is the WWE Women’s World Tag Team Champion and the Raw Women’s Champion and appears to be headed toward a rematch with Asuka at SummerSlam.

As you will see below, she stayed in character for the interview.

Here are some highlights from the interview:

Banks compared herself to legends:  “I am the conversation.  I am better than Triple H.  I’m better than Stone Cold.  I’m better than the Rock.  I’m better than the Undertaker.  Of course, you’re going to be talking about me.  You are talking to Sasha Banks, the conversation of everything for some reason.  I have to be in the conversation because people want to put my name out there because, why not?  I am out there.  I am the face of the company.”

Banks was asked why the Boss and Hug connection didn’t get over like they are now:  “I’m sorry.  Are you the booker?  The reason why it didn’t resonate with just you, because it did with millions of people.  There were millions of people at my autograph signing.  I have a million fans on my Instagram and my Twitter.  Do not come at me like I did not resonate with the fans last year.  I resonate with them every single day because I am Sasha Banks, the leader and standard in the conversation. What happened last year was not because of Sasha Banks or Bayley.  It has to do with timing, the universe and whatever the booker, and not Booker T, booker Vince McMahon, the writers, whoever, want to book the show, and that’s what they do.  They book whatever they want to book.  That’s why timing now in the universe, in these crazy times, I’m the face of the company,”

Banks was asked how is it sharing these experiences with Bailey?:  “It’s been incredible.  It’s been more than a dream come true right now, because not only do I get to live my dream as a WWE Superstar, not only do I get to live my dream being a champion, not only do I get to live my dream being a two-belt champ, I’m legit as the face of the company with my best friend who I’ve shared this dream with for such a long time.  We started watching wrestling at the same time.  We’ve done so much together and sat in cars so many times dreaming about moments like this.  It’s been so incredible to do this with my best friend and legit have fun and legit put on the best matches ever and legit do things that I never thought women would be able to do in the WWE.  If you only knew what we do to put in this work to make things better for everybody.  We want the best for the company.  We want the best for the future women.  We want the best for all the fans and all the people that are inspiring to be WWE Superstars.  I’m having the greatest time with her by my side.  We are not sharing the spotlight.  We both have our own.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Gorilla Position podcast with a h/t to for the transcription

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