Sean Waltman points out flaw in theory that Dean Ambrose’s WWE departure is a work

Former WWE star Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman talked about a wide range of topics on the latest episode of his podcast, X-Pac 1, 2, 360, including the news that broke earlier this week which was about Dean Ambrose deciding not to sign a new contract with the WWE and how his departure will come once his contract ends in April.

Since then, there’s been a theory going around that this is all a work by the WWE due to the way that they have handled this situation. It was reported that Ambrose is on his way out, but due to WWE confirming the news with a statement of their own and not wishing him the best in his future endeavors, fans think that there might be more to this story.

Waltman agrees with the majority of people who don’t think that this is a work but rather a real situation. He also thinks that the way that WWE handled it was done for a reason.

“You don’t abuse someone like that on their way out,” Waltman said on his X-Pac 1,2,360 podcast. “You don’t shame them, or humiliate them because you want them to come back. It’s like the statement WWE made. A lot of people say ‘Oh this must be a work because they never come out and say this type of thing.’ This is a different time and Dean Ambrose is not a talent that you go ‘we wish you best of luck in your future endeavors’ to because you want him back at some point.

“You use him to do honors for other people on the way out but within reason. Dean Ambrose came back from his time off in shape, looking good. His whole game was on point, every aspect was on point. He’s either going to show up in AEW or he’s just gonna go out and find himself.”

You can watch the entire podcast by clicking on the player below:

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcript

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