Seth Rollins Confirms He Won’t Be In Marvel’s “Captain America: New World Order”

Seth Rollins made an appearance on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet for a new interview. During it, Rollins confirmed that while he filmed scenes for “Marvel’s Captain America: Brave New World,” which comes out next month, his scenes got cut.

The movie stars Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, Carl Lumbly, Tim Blake Nelson, Shira Haas, Harrison Ford, and Liv Tyler. Malcolm Spellman and Dalan Musson wrote it, while Julius Onah directed it. Rollins was spotted in 2023 on the set of the project.

“I’m not in the movie. I will say unequivocally, I’m not in the film. I do not want anybody to go to the film thinking, ‘Oh, I’m here to see Seth Rollins’. There might be two people that would do that, but I don’t want those two people to waste their time, and I don’t want to misinform anybody. I don’t want to lead anybody astray. I am not in the film. It should be a good one. Marvel does a great job.”

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