Several wrestlers mentioned in Jon Bravo steroid documentary, no evidence on Roman Reigns

Jon Bravo finally dropped his long-awaited documentary, but what did it really say? Here’s a play-by-play account of what was in this 21-minute long documentary containing information regarding WWE Superstars and their connection to Richard Rodriguez’s WFN steroid empire.

Bravo said when you come on his programs and make a statement then you need to be ready to back it up with evidence and that’s what he’s about as a person. He has stated in the past that he has no vendetta against anyone or WWE and just wants to tell a story based on facts.

A graphic on the screen said, “only text messages up to February 2016 are currently available. However, I have the entire 2013-2017 WFN database intact.”

Bravo said as he started looking through text messages he started to see names he recognized and he went onto further research this story backed by factual information.

He said one of the key players in WWE’s connection with WFN was Rick Bassman the same man who brought the world The Ultimate Warrior, John Cena, Sting, and more.

Tony Morris is also involved in this story who was the inspiration of Magic Mike. Celebrity trainer Jessie Burdick used Jesse Ventura’s name as an alias but bought more than $40,000 worth of products from Rodriguez. The real question is who Burdick could have been giving those products to.

Richard Rodriguez said he was introduced to WWE clients, athletes, and other celebrities were through weightlifters Mike and Chris Bell via Stan Efferding. Rodriguez named Roman Reigns, Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, Daniel Puder, John Cena and others as people who eventually became advocates and clients of his products.

Rodriguez also named Sheamus and Jinder Mahal as two people who could have a connection through Chris Cavallini but that couldn’t be confirmed by Richard although Cavallini did place 19 orders with WFN and Mahal credited Cavallini for his transformation in the past.

Hall Of Fame bodybuilder Bill Grant was said to have helped bring in Brock Lesnar. Rodriguez said it was through Rick Drasin that Steve Austin and John Cena became clients as well. Chris Bell was a networking influence through it all apparently although no conclusive evidence was shown that Lesnar, Austin, or Cena had any direct ties to this other than what Richard Rodriguez claimed.

Rodriguez said people had to beat drug tests but then didn’t go on to detail anything specifically which was one of the things that this documentary said it would deliver including the name of a WWE legend who bought $140,000 worth of products.

Rodriguez said Daniel Puder was a part-time employee of his who managed WWE and UFC clients. He said his background and experience made it a very easy decision to bring him in as he brought in high profile clients and was paid well for this service.

Tony Morris helped bring in other celebrity trainers and Rodriguez noted that some of them had connections to WWE wrestlers as well.

Then Bravo asked Rodriguez about Roman Reigns. Rodriquez said he is an avid wrestling fanatic and did not mistake Luther Reigns and Roman Reigns. Bravo said he found orders from Luther where he used a different name a couple of times but did not present any concrete evidence about Roman Reigns.

“In the cases of others,” Bravo said concerning people he couldn’t directly prove were clients of Rodriguez, “orders that were placed with an alias along with being shipped to addresses that aren’t registered to their name makes cross-referencing them extremely difficult. This is why the text communication between Richard and any name mentioned who placed orders is key in identifying them.”

It seems that Richard Rodriguez was able to provide evidence to back up his claims. “However some of the evidence that I need in order to be %110 accurate with my findings I’m still waiting for,” Bravo said. This is still an on-going case and some evidence has yet to be released by the DEA and without that information, it is impossible to verify Mark Wahlberg and Roman Reigns were clients of Rodriguez at this time.

Rodriguez made it certainly sound like there was evidence, but the court system still had it. But as Bravo said in a text slide, “even though contact information of Leati Joseph Anoa’i (AKA Roman Reigns) and orders that Richard says are his were found on the laptop, without the direct text communications between them, they cannot be verified until they’re received.”

At this point, it looks like Jon Bravo was able to prove that PEDs were bought by people who have access to WWE Superstars, but until the rest of the devices are released to him nothing can be confirmed. Bravo said he will be getting the information he needs as soon as the DEA releases them so this very well might not be the end of this story. But that is all of the story for now which doesn’t seem like it will affect WrestleMania in the slightest.

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