Several wrestlers very upset with the idea behind Sasha Banks’ promo on Raw

There was more than one performer that was very upset with the Sasha Banks promo on Raw where she teased her retirement before swerving fans and announcing that she would be challenging Charlotte for the Women’s title. Obviously, the heat is not directed at Sasha since she is not responsible with scripting the promo.

The Wrestling Observer reports that the feeling was that it was done in bad taste because they went for the same emotion as the Daniel Bryan retirement promo. The feeling was that her promo was a takeoff of Bryan’s promo and one veteran brought up that it was similar to Edge’s situation when he had to retire. Bryan’s situation was real (too real) and it happened a short time ago and the feeling was that Banks’ promo cheapened it especially since Bryan’s promo happened just a few months ago.

Another name mentioned was Tyson Kidd, who is out because of a broken neck, and his situation is still up in the air. Kidd and Bryan were very well liked backstage. In a nutshell, career ending injuries are a very sensitive subject with people who are friend of the people that are injured and have had their careers ended.

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