Shawn Michaels reveals that the decision to end Undertaker’s streak came 4 hours before the show

Part one of the much talked about Jim Ross podcast with Shawn Michaels is up now. Shawn Michaels said that he was shocked when the streak was broken. He said that everyone was stunned. He said that just one person makes the call and as much as everyone wants to think otherwise, it’s just one guy that makes the call.

Shawn revealed that the decision to end the streak came just 4 hours before the show. Ross said that he saw The Undertaker at the Hall of Fame and he hugged him and asked him how many more matches he thought he had in him. Taker’s response was “I don’t know, i’ll let you know in a few hours.” Shawn said that all the things about Taker being beat up are true but it still had not bearing on the outcome of the match. Shawn said that in his personal opinion he would have liked to have seen Taker unbeaten and then retire.

Ross asked Shawn if he thinks that Taker has wrestled his last match. Shawn said he doesn’t know but he knows that Taker was banged up afterwards and Taker said that he’ll contact Shawn in a few weeks.

Shawn also gave his thoughts on CM Punk. Ross asked him if he could relate to Punk leaving after feeling burned out. Shawn says that he totally understands although he doesn’t know all of the inside stuff that happened between Punk and the company but he can definitely relate to how he might feel.

You can listen to the podcast below.

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