Sheamus: I Will Never Take Liberties With Wrestlers, But I Don’t Give A S**t If They Don’t Like How Stiff I Am

Sheamus has been around WWE for a long time, where he has found a ton of success and won multiple World Titles. In recent years, he has been known for his classic matches, with him using the tagline “Banger After Banger.”

However, over the years, there has been criticism among fans about in-ring style and being stiff with talent. Most wrestlers publicly acknowledge that is just Sheamus’ style, and they know what they’re getting themselves into before the bout.

While speaking with Collider, Sheamus addressed his style. “The thing about me is I’ve never been a guy to take liberties. I will hit you. I will hit you hard. I’m not going to break noses and stuff, but I’ll hit you. But I expect to be hit back just as hard, if not harder, and they know that. They’re relaxed there, and they can do that, and they can show a side of themselves that they probably wouldn’t be able to show with certain other talent or more experienced or veteran talent like me, and that’s just the way I like it.”

Sheamus knows he has a reputation for having a hard-hitting approach in the ring because he loves the physical style. He takes pride in fans knowing they’re going to see a banger and a real fight when his music hits.

“I’m sure there are people who don’t want to get in there with me because they don’t like the physical aspect that I bring, but I don’t give a shit because if you want to go in there with me, come in there with me. A lot of young talent will want to get in there, and they’ll know when they’re going to have a Sheamus match—a banger of a Sheamus match to walk away—and the crowd will give them that much more respect.”

Sheamus added that if a wrestler gets into the ring with him, he has no problem with them ‘wanting to go’ with him. Sheamus will challenge Bron Breakker for the Interocntential Title at Saturday Night’s Main Event this weekend.

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