Shotzi says changing her signature tank entrance wasn’t her decision

On this week’s “Battleground Podcast,” WWE’s Shotzi stopped by to talk about how much of her true self is seen in her on screen character, and how she feels not using her tank entrance prop anymore.

Shotzi was asked how much of her real true self is in the character she plays on TV:

“NXT Shotzi, or good guy Shotzi, the goofy, chaotic, daredevil, positive Shotzi is definitely me most of the time. But you might have noticed, my character has had a change of heart recently and she isn’t as positive, which is kind of oddly mirroring my life lately because I’ve been going through one of the most emotionally difficult times of my life (the loss of her dad and stepdad). I’ve kind of been channeling that anger and frustration I have at the world right now through wrestling and releasing it that way,” she said.

“It’s hard right now because it’s still fresh. I’m still trying to figure out this new me without my dad in my life. I was so close to them. I was never really close to my mom. My stepdad was like my mother figure, and my biological dad was obviously my father figure,” Shotzi continued.

“It’s weird. I try to do it in their honor. I really try to look at the bright side of things or try to find the light in the darkness. I’ve just been doing it for them and pushing through for them.”

On not using the tank as part of her ring entrance:

“That wasn’t my decision, but I’m embracing the change because I’ve been the ballsy badass my entire career. Even on the Indies I was always a babyface. It’s nice seven years later to finally change up the character and find something new within me. I think I’m finally grabbing the horns and growing with it and I feel like it’s finally clicking.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Battleground Podcast with a h/t to for the transcription.

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