Slim and trim Kevin Owens just wrestled an old friend ahead of WWE return

Kevin Owens recently wrestled an old friend ahead of his return to WWE TV.

Owens noted on Twitter that he wrestled Adam Cole for the first time in over 4 years. They’ve been friends for many years and Owens was in the front row when Cole made his debut in NXT so this is no surprise to fans that have known about their friendship.

Here is a clip of Cole and Owens in the ring a few years ago in PWG:

Hopefully, we’ll get to see Cole vs. Owens in the main roster sometime in the near future.

Owens is set to return sometime this month and he’s been working hard to get in better shape. For those of you that missed it, click here to see a photo of Owens looking a lot slimmer than the last time you saw him on WWE TV.

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