Stephanie McMahon on the philosophy in WWE and fans

Stephanie McMahon recently spoke with Fast To Create about the success of the WWE. McMahon explained WWE’s philosophy. She said that it comes down to treating every day as it’s your first day on the job and always having that perspective.

“We also have a philosophy around treating every day as if it’s your first day on the job. It’s good to have that perspective to be able to question how things have always been done. Sometimes things are done a certain way for a very good reason, but other times it can be a legacy hangover and should be changed, and it’s that kind of thinking that helps figure out which is which. Just like engaging with your audience, listening and caring about them, business leaders need to do the same with their employees. If you do that you will have a more cohesive, more vibrant and engaged team around you, and as a result your product will be better.”

Without the fans, the WWE would not be where it is today. McMahon believes that fans are part of their shows, and they get feedback from them on what they do and do not like.

“Our fans are a part of our show, they’re our secret sauce, and they’ve always given us that feedback,” says McMahon. “They chant, they boo, they cheer, they vote with their wallets when they’re buying T-shirts, and we track all of those metrics, and now when you throw in social media, which is just another form of real-time engagement, and another way for our fans to be a part of our show. It just gives us more valuable information to help us in our decision making. My father has this philosophy that you always want to be slightly ahead of the curve,” she says. “You don’t want to be to far ahead that people don’t get it, and you certainly don’t want to be behind it, but slightly ahead, and that’s exactly where we found ourselves. The network is now available in almost every country, and has the potential to transform our business if it continues on the path it’s on. But it all comes down to that original goal of getting our fans the best possible content to give them a creative experience that’s worthy of their passion.”

You can read the entire interview here.

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