Stephanie McMahon on the WWE Network, creative storylines, more

Stephanie McMahon recently spoke with Fast To Create about the success of the WWE. McMahon explained in this interview that any successful company that he been around for such a long period of time has to reinvent itself over and over. McMahon added that WWE is storytellers that make fans invest in their characters.

“I think any successful company with longevity has to continue to reinvent itself over and over. At our heart, what we are, we’re storytelling. We have compelling stories because in order to invest in the characters and care whether they win or lose, you have to understand who they are. And you have to be able to relate to those characters, because ultimately, that’s the best form of storytelling. We combine the best elements of reality shows, soap operas, drama, and action into one incredible show that never goes off the air. You can be engaged with WWE 24/7 if you want. We’re always here for you. That’s an unusual notion that doesn’t exist with any other brand.”

The WWE Network was brought up, and McMahon noted that the streaming service is the second most profitable line of business that they do currently.

“It’s our fastest-growing, and second most profitable line of business to date. So it’s all about staying on top of OTT trends, the way our fans are consuming content, making sure that content is available on every possible platform so they can get it any time, anywhere, on any device.”

You can read the entire interview here.

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