Tensai/Brodus Clay feud continues on WWE.com and WWE App

Tensai furthered his feud with Brodus Clay on WWE.com and the WWE app. Prior to his match on Smackdown with Brodus he commented:

“Brodus, you run around here calling yourself a main event playa. For seventeen years I’ve been in this business, I’ve been in a main event or two. You know nothing about main events. You disrespected Xavier. You disrespected R-Truth. You disrespected me and every other main-eventer to come before you.”

Tensai continued, “In this business, people come in and out of our lives, like that. And Brodus, Tons of Funk came into my life and it served a purpose. And Monday, served a purpose. It lit a fire under my rear-end. And Brodus, main event playa, I’m coming for ya.”

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