Top 10 Matches in SummerSlam History


1. Non-sanctioned Street Fight: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H – 2002

Following his departure from the WWE in 1998, wrestling fans all over the world were certain they had seen Shawn Michaels wrestle his final match. When HBK returned in 2002 alongside Triple H, fans were sent into a nostalgic tailspin.

That is, until Triple H delivered a Pedigree to Michaels.

At that point, it donned on us: “Holy crap – HBK is going to wrestle again.”

Eric Bischoff refused to sanction this match, and I’ll admit, I initially thought that meant that the two would have to incorporate weapons because Michaels would be limited in what he could physically do.

Boy, was I wrong.

Michaels and Triple H went out and took years off of each other’s career that night. The use of weapons enhanced the story of the match – allowing both competitors to show just how personal the contest had become. This stipulation also allowed for Triple H’s treachery to be on prime display.

By the end, all wrestling fans were on the edge of their seats anxiously pulling for the miracle comeback, and when it happened, we all had tears in our eyes – or at least I did…..maybe I’m the only one who cries over pro wrestling?

Anyway, SummerSlam comes to Brooklyn, New York on Sunday, August 23rd – you guessed it – LIVE on the WWE Network.

Stoney Keeley covers the WWE for, and is a Featured Analyst for Pro Football Spot. You can follow him on Twitter at @StoneyKeeley, and follow Pro Football Spot at @pfspot.

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