Top 10 Matches in SummerSlam History

mysterio guerrerosummerslam

7. Ladder Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero – 2005

A wonderfully crafted story featuring two of WWE’s greatest workers – Mysterio & Guerrero started their journey to this point, oddly enough, by winning the WWE Tag Team Championship as partners. They would open WrestleMania 21 as foes in what has been called one of WrestleMania’s greatest opening contests.

Of course, it’s the WWE, and things rarely end civilly and professionally. The rivalry took a personal turn, with Guerrero revealing that he was the actual biological father of Rey’s son.

Yeah – that happened. Regardless of the circumstances, this was a heated feud.

With the custody of Rey’s son, Dominick, on the line, these two culminated their rivalry in perfect fashion during this memorable ladder match.

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