Top 10 Matches in SummerSlam History


6. No Disqualification Match: CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar – 2013

The most surprising match of Brock Lesnar’s return has also been his best. With Paul Heyman involved, fans knew this feud was going to be fiery.

What most fans didn’t expect was that each man would top his WrestleMania match from that year (Punk against The Undertaker; Lesnar against Triple H at WrestleMania 29). In fact, a lot of fans weren’t sure this match was going to even deliver.

In the months prior to this match being made official, Paul Heyman had turned on his former client, CM Punk by costing him the Money In The Bank ladder match. When “The Beast Incarnate” returned to be managed by Heyman, it was only natural that this match would take place.

Wanting to silence Punk for good, Heyman would send Lesnar out to do his dirty work – and so, the match billed as “The Best vs. The Beast” was born.

Once the match had concluded, both performers came out as shining lights, and a match that wasn’t given a lot of credit became one of the greatest matches in event history.

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