Top WWE NXT star took a scary bump during TV tapings for next week

Immediately after this week’s NXT, WWE taped matches for next week’s episode and there was a scary moment that led to a brief pause during the tapings.

Post Wrestling’s John Pollock is reporting that the scary moment happened during a match between Johnny Gargano and Ridge Holland.

Gargano reportedly took a scary bump on his head and the match was stopped as several people, including Shawn Michaels and Triple H, went to the ring to check on him.

The match was restarted after it was deemed that Gargano was fine. WWE may opt to edit out the pause in the match so that may not be shown when the show airs next Wednesday. Pollock added that Gargano actually apologized to everyone for delaying the match.

Gargano was said to be okay after the match was over. It was also said that in addition to being checked on during the delay in the match, he was also checked a few minutes later after the match was over.

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