Trevor Murdoch reveals the blunt conversation Vince McMahon had with him & Lance Cade about why they weren’t being put on TV

Former WWE star Trevor Murdoch was recently a guest on “Prime Time With Sean Mooney” to talk about several professional wrestling topics.

During the interview, Murdoch touched on a time in his WWE career in which he and his tag team partner, Lance Cade, weren’t being put on TV for several weeks. This was confusing to Murdoch, as he and Cade were both writing material for themselves and handing in ideas, which seemed to be falling on deaf ears.

One day, Murdoch and Cade found Vince McMahon alone in catering, and seized the opportunity to confront him and get to the bottom of why they’ve been kept off of TV. This lead to McMahon being very blunt and explaining to them why he wasn’t putting the duo on television.

“There were four or five times we weren’t being put on TV and we didn’t know why, and we went to Vince one time. We were off TV for four or five weeks and we were writing ideas for us and giving them to the writers – the people who should be writing the ideas – people getting paid to write ideas. We were doing it for ourselves, and they weren’t getting anywhere.

“So, we tracked down Vince, we saw him in catering – the one time he was by himself – and we sat right next to him. We said, ‘Vince, you’re not putting us on TV. We want to know why.’ And he goes, he looked at Lance, he goes, ‘I hate your fake black hair.’ And he looked at me and he goes, ‘I hate your pasty white skin.’ We said, ‘okay’ and we got up. The next day I was tan, my partner was blonde.

“I’ll be damned if we weren’t on TV that next week. And I’m like, wow, why couldn’t it have just happened three or four weeks ago? Saved us, everybody, time, money; and that was like the beginning of my disdain with the business.”

Murdoch and Cade had a relatively successful run in WWE overall, winning the WWE World Tag Team Championships three times together. Unfortunately, Cade passed away in 2010 due to heart failure after accidentally mixing medications.

H/T IWNerd for the transcriptions

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