Triple H And Stephanie McMahon Spotted With Linda McMahon At Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Party

Triple H, Stephanie, and Linda McMahon rang in the new year with a party hosted by WWE Hall of Famer and US Presidential-Elect Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago on Tuesday night.

You can see the family together below. Andrew Guliana, son of former New York City mayor Rudy Guliani, also shared a photo with Triple H.

President-Elect Trump has touted Linda as the leader of the Department of Education when he takes office. Trump and his wife, Melania, were also seen celebrating at Mar-A-Lago.

It’s unknown whether Vince McMahon was at the party, as he currently faces a lawsuit from Janel Grant that is back underway after a six-month pause due to an investigation by the feds.

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