Triple H calls Tegan Nox’s WWE Mae Young Classic injury “heartbreaking”

As you may know by now, Tegan Nox suffered an injury during her WWE Mae Young Classic match with Rhea Ripley Thursday. The match was being taped at Full Sail University. The timing couldn’t be worse as Nox was getting her second shot at the Mae Young Classic after an ACL tear forced her to miss last year’s tournament.

Triple H was recently interviewed by ESPN and offered his take on the situation. Like most professional wrestling fans, Triple H described Nox’s current situation as “heartbreaking”:

“Tegan, to me is this story of, you know, last year we really wanted her to be in the tournament and she had the ACL injury that prevented her from being in it,” Triple H said. “It took her all year [to recover] and she just got rolling and really feeling good and just gets cleared, I mean, 100 percent banging around on it and it’s great.

“To come here tonight and be in a position to where, let me just say, it couldn’t have been any more heartbreaking for her. Emotionally, just couldn’t have been any more heartbreaking. I don’t know, at this point, what happened. She landed funky on a dive and hurt herself.”

The doctor backstage at Full Sail couldn’t determine whether or not it was an ACL injury, so Nox was taken to a nearby hospital instead:

“The doctor looked at it, and it was so painful at the point that he couldn’t manipulate the disk to see if it was an ACL,” Tripe H added, “So we have her headed over to the hospital now and check what it is.”

Nox posted the following on Twitter shortly after the injury:

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