Triple H on winning WWE Championship at last year’s Royal Rumble, working as an executive, more

Triple H recently spoke with Joshua Caudill of, to promote the new WWE animated movie “Surf’s Up 2.” During the interview, he was asked about winning last year’s Royal Rumble match and becoming WWE Champion. He said that it was a difference experience for him as he was going into WrestleMania 32 as champion and that it was kind of out of the blue. He noted that WWE had a lot of talents out with injuries and a lot of people were moved into different positions. He added that they changed a lot of things about the show. He said that anytime that happens then you put a lot of pressure on yourself. He said that the pressure is less for him from a physical standpoint because he is still in shape and he is in the thick of the business everyday, so he still has a fresh mindset. He said that the real pressure came from being an on-air talent as well as an executive. He said that when he is trying to operate live events, talent and creative that there is a lot to do on a daily basis. He added that being able to get in the ring and wrestle again forced him to train twice a day.

When asked how difficult it was to work as an executive and then be a performer during that title run, Triple H said that the common belief is that that he and other guys can’t step away from it or give it up, but that’s not the case. He noted that as much as he enjoyed wrestling last year when he was asked by WWE if he wanted to wrestle in front of the large crowd at Wrestlemania 32 that it was hard to say no because he is still a wrestler at heart. However, at the same time, the workload it creates for him is so massive that it’s hard for him to enjoy it. He said that he was trying to produce NXT Takeover: Dallas while getting ready for the match and that it becomes an intense workplace.

You can read the entire interview here.

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