Triple H reacts to fans chanting ‘Vince McMahon are you watching?’

Triple H has reacted to the interesting chants that fans do at shows that they know who is in charge of and it’s not WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.

Triple H spoke about the chant of ‘Vince McMahon are you watching?’ while taking questions from the media after the NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool event at the Empress Ballroom on the WWE Network.

This chant is designed to show their approval vocally and one that not only Triple H recognizes but WWE stars as well.

“I was wondering how many we got in before that question got asked. [laughs] It’s funny that Pete Dunne just said to me backstage ‘When I heard that chant I just wanted to get out of here.’ The beautiful thing about what we do is exactly that; you express [yourself] vocally and loud. We are the first product I think in the world where that crowd participation was not just a part of it—boo, cheer, whatever, that’s a sport—but it’s what we go after. I’m not saying directly that chant, but it is the participation of what we do. It is the involvement—in sports they talk about being the [sixth man] on the court—they are as much a part of it.”

“An awesome crowd can make something unbelievable, something good, an awesome crowd that has the energy can turn something great into just magic that you’ll never forget. Part of that is the ability to express your opinion, no matter what it is, and I believe I just saw that Vince just tweeted out ‘Yes I heard you, and yes it was awesome.’ That’s what it is, and I love it, and I want them to do that every single time.”

You can watch the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

H/T to WrestleZone for the transcript

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