Triple H Responds To Criticism Of WWE Using Insider Terms In Raw Cold Open Video

Although WWE was praised for the production quality of the cold open for Monday’s WWE Raw on Netflix premiere episode, there was also some criticism.

Fans noted that Triple H said while narrating the video inside terms such as “work,” “shoot,” “heel,” and “face.” This was something that Triple H addressed while speaking at the post-show presser.

Triple H said, “The reaction seems like we did a good job with it. That was the intent, to capture the emotion and let people know, we’re not hiding what we do. I saw a lot of chatter today from people saying, ‘Oh my God, they said heel and face and shoot and work in one promo.’ We’re not hiding what we do. That’s what we do. To be honest, I think most of the world understands those terms and they’ve almost transcended our business. It’s transcended our business. It’s what it is. People know what we are. We talk about it. We’re not insulting anybody’s intelligence. We’re an art form. Absolutely an art form that captures people’s emotions. We don’t take ourselves as seriously as most other people take us. It was all part of trying to capture that and say, ‘If you’ve watched, watch this and hopefully we honor what you love. If you’ve never watched this, watch this. We’ll explain to you what we are.’ That was the attempt.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit WWE’s YouTube channel with an h/t to for the transcription.

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