Triple H says Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks earned the right to main event HIAC PPV, comments on women’s wrestling

Triple H recently appeared on the Gorilla Position Podcast to talk about various topics. During the interview, he talked about Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair in the Hell in a Cell main event. He said that they didn’t give them the main event, but rather they earned to be in that spot. He noted that they earned it by knocking the ball out of the park each and every night and that Vince McMahon had to have confidence that Flair and Banks could close out the PPV in a first ever women’s Hell in a Cell match and make that entire event deliver.

He then talked about the evolution of women’s wrestling. He said that WWE changed the business with a handful of girls in NXT and listed Paige, Emma, Natalya and Flair, Banks and Bayley. He said that he is so proud of them and that he feels like a dad as he is more nervous for them compared to him wrestling at a WrestleMania. He said that he watched them become stars as well as represent themselves very well in interviews. He noted that when you build something from nothing, and then they deliver the way that they have then it makes him proud. He noted that they would continue to get opportunities because they deliver.

You can listen to the entire interview here.

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