Two WWE stars tease jumping to AEW?

You can take a lot of what is said on Twitter with a grain of salt because, oftentimes, wrestlers just say things to have fun with their followers but a recent tweet from Scott Dawson will add fuel to the rumors suggesting that The Revival will jump to All Elite Wrestling when their contracts expire in a few months.

Dawson credited Arn Anderson for teaching him and Dash Wilder about the over-the-top rope suplex spot to the floor. They executed the move on Monday Night Raw. Dawson also added, “See ya soon, Double A.”

The significance of the tweet is that most believe that Anderson is AEW-bound, possibly for a behind-the-scenes role and some have speculated that he will be in Cody Rhodes corner for his match against Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard in his corner) at All Out in Chicago.

The tweet below could mean anything but most of his followers are taking it as another hint that The Revival plan on going to AEW after their WWE contracts expire in April 2020.

Another thing that has added fuel to the speculation is that The Revival have opened up a Pro Wrestling Tees store and one of the shirt designs is very interesting. Scroll down to see the shirt. They can’t use The Revival name on the shirt but the front says #FTR and the back had three check options that say: Forever, Free, F#ck and you can pick whichever design you want with the checkmark in the box of your choice.

The Revival lost the Raw Tag Team Titles on Monday to The OC in a Triple Threat Match that also included The Usos. The OC are getting a strong push after signing five-year deals to stay with the company. At last word, Dawson and Wilder have not signed new deals after turning down $500,000 per year offers each.

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