Update on WWE’s plans to bring fans back to shows

As noted last week, SummerSlam and all live events that were in the works are now on hold now that the coronavirus cases in Florida are surging.

WWE had plans to start running live events with two TV tapings in Lakeland, Florida later this month and there were plans to have fans in attendance for SummerSlam but that is now obviously not happening. As of two weeks ago, WrestlingNews.co was told that the Hall Of Fame ceremony was also “very possible” for SummerSlam but as of today, there is no date set for that event.

@WrestleVotes is reporting that now that SummerSlam is off the table, WWE is now hoping to get back on the road with live events with fans by the end of September.

Of course, everything is subject to change and things can be drastically worse or better by the end of September. It’s possible that WWE may not be able to run any live events for the rest of 2020.

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