Vince McMahon doesn’t guarantee that another McMahon will take over WWE when he’s gone

Vince McMahon was interviewed by Forbes and there was an interesting quote in the article.

Assuming McMahon doesn’t sell, there are logical heirs to his ringdom, but he is understandably coy about it. McMahon’s 37-year-old daughter, Stephanie, is the current chief brand officer, and her husband, Paul Levesque, is the executive in charge of talent, live events and creative, but there is no guarantee that the company will be run by another McMahon in the future. “I would like to see a degree of that,” he admits. “I just think as times go on, things will evaporate. Eventually Uncle Sam sees the benefit. You can’t do anything without Uncle Sam taking a huge bite of it.”

Vince also talks about not meeting his biological father until he was 12 years old, the XFL, the company expanding in 1984, the Monday night wars, and more. You can read the article by clicking here.

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