Vince Russo believes pro wrestling is dead

Former WWE, WCW and TNA creative writer Vince Russo has posted another one of his classic blogs on where he talks about how wrestling is dead as well as why we will never see characters like Piper or Warrior again.

Down below is an excerpt from the blog:

“Professional Wrestling is officially dead. With last week’s loss of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, fans from my generation had to come to grips with the cold heart fact, that the business we grew up on is long gone . . . and will never be returning again.

Unfortunately, since 2000 the wrestling business started to decline in popularity, and now it has for 15 straight years. The massive audience that was once there . . . is now only a fraction of itself. As the business moves further and further away from the entertainment aspect in favor of longer wrestling matches . . . less people seem to care. The internet exposed professional wrestling many years ago, and in 2015 we all understand what it is, with that being said, why would casual fans want to see a choreographed fight when they can see a real one over in UFC. The answer—they don’t—and that’s why they now spend their money on UFC. What they want to see is what they always wanted to see—entertainment.”

Read the full blog here.

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