WALTER: ‘I think Brock Lesnar is the smartest wrestler on the planet right now’

WWE NXT UK Champion WALTER recently spoke with the UK Mirror where he expressed interest in wrestling WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.

This could become a possibility as Lesnar is entering Sunday’s 30-Man Royal Rumble Match at #1. Although WWE hasn’t confirmed whether NXT or NXT UK talent will be working the show, it’s possible. 

WALTER will be in town to work Saturday’s WWE Worlds Collide event. Walter is willing to enter the match to wrestle “The Beast.” 

“I will go in second, I don’t care,” WALTER said.

It turns out that WALTER is a big fan of Lesnar’s as he respects him and Lesnar is one of his favorite wrestlers. 

“I respect the guy because I think Brock Lesnar is the smartest professional wrestler on the planet right now. The number one, work the least amount of time for everybody else, do your own thing… perfect. I like how everybody else hates him for that because they’re just jealous that they are not as smart as him, right? So yeah, of course. I would love to wrestle Brock Lesnar.”

“He is one of my favourite wrestlers too,” WALTER revealed. “I think he is very skilled, very athletic. And yeah, that’s a good mind for wrestling. And yeah, obviously, I focus on definitely him being one of the matches I really want to do.”

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