WATCH: Hulk Hogan Went Into Hulkamania Mode, Rips Off T-Shirt During FOX News Appearance

Hulkamania was running while celebrating President Donald Trump being back in office during an appearance on FOX at the Liberty Ball on Monday night.

Trump took the oath for his second term as President on Monday afternoon. During the appearance, Hogan discussed Trump being back in the office and how great he thought it was. Hogan ripped off his jacket sleeves and cut a promo. Check it out below:

A few weeks ago, Hogan’s appearance on the WWE Raw on Netflix premiere went viral as he was booed out of the arena. Hogan had been making political appearances ahead of the 2024 US presidential election while endorsing Trump.

The WWE Hall of Famer spoke at the Republican National Convention for Trump and other past events for Trump. Hogan is slated to be at Saturday night’s Main Event this weekend.

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