WATCH: Make-A-Wish Kid Giovanni talks about meeting John Cena (MUST-WATCH)

Check out the video below of this young fan talking about his recent meeting with John Cena. If you don’t understand why WWE doesn’t want to turn him heel then maybe this video will help you understand. Say what you want about Cena but he does some amazing things for these kids.

WWE sent out the following:

Make-A-Wish kid Giovanni was so blown away by his experience meeting John Cena on his wish that he wanted to say thank you – which he did in this incredibly sweet video seen above.

For Giovanni, a 7-year-old from Jersey Shore, Penn. who has a life-threatening genetic disorder, meeting WWE® Superstar John Cena was the only thing he wished for. Through Make-A-Wish® and WWE, Giovanni and his family recently traveled to Fresno, Cali., where Giovanni met one-on-one with his idol. That’s when he gave Cena a shirt that read ‘Team Giovanni.’ After the meeting Giovanni went to see Cena in action, and much to his surprise saw the superstar wearing the t-shirt in the ring. After the match, Cena called Giovanni over and gave him a hug, which is when the 7-year-old started to cry. When asked by his mother why he was crying, Giovanni said, “Mama, I am just so happy!” One of the reasons Giovanni looks up to Cena is the Superstar’s slogan, “Never Give Up.” That slogan has provided Giovanni with hope and strength through his journey with his medical condition, and is a reminder for him to never give up—just like Cena. It’s no wonder, Giovanni wanted to say thanks.

Giovanni’s mother was moved by the entire experience. “In that precious moment, our sweet child was so incredibly filled with nothing but pure joy,” she said. “Nothing else mattered. Not upcoming doctor appointments. Not the mental scars left after so many surgeries. Giovanni was the happiest we had ever seen him.”

It’s a reminder of the life-changing impact a wish-come-true can have on wish kids battling life-threatening medical conditions, just like Giovanni.

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