WATCH: Paul Heyman recalls Vince McMahon’s interesting reaction to Brock Lesnar’s nickname

Inside The Ropes released a video featuring Paul Heyman from one of his One Man Shows on their YouTube channel telling a story about how he became Brock Lesnar‘s advocate.

Heyman talked about how plans changed once he saw the bad advice that Lesnar was getting from agents before his debut and working dark matches. Heyman started talking with Lesnar, which led to him pushing to produce his dark matches that later led to him serving as his manager.

Originally, Heman was planned to be Chris Benoit’s manager starting at WrestleMania 18 in 2002. The funny part was the fact that McMahon asked him one day what he thought about Lesnar. Heyman responded that he thought Lesnar is the next big thing.

Heyman recalled, “And Vince looks at me and he goes, ‘God d**mit, Paul. That nickname would suck.’”

You can watch the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

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