WATCH: Rare footage of Razor Ramon before his WWE TV debut

One of the great things about the WWE Network is some of the content that you can’t find anywhere else. Much of their old stuff is on YouTube but there are thousands of hours of unreleased content still locked up in the vault in Connecticut.

Today, WWE posted never-before-seen footage of a dark match featuring Razor Ramon. The clip below happened before his WWE TV debut and, as you can see, there were some tweaks made before he started on TV.

Razor wrestles “El Matador” Tito Santana with long trunks. At one point, he tries a Vader Bomb. I don’t think he used that move again on a WWE show. Not included in the clip below is his entrance. Razor went out to the ring to generic music and it wasn’t until he got to TV that he started using the iconic Razor Ramon theme.

The entire match with the entrance can be seen in the Hidden Gems section of the WWE Network. They also uploaded Konnan as Relampago. That was basically the Max Moon gimmick before they changed it to Komet Kid for a week and then Max Moon. Konnan left the company before the gimmick debuted on TV and Paul Diamond ended up playing the role.

Scott Hall finished up with WCW as The Diamond Studd on May 1, 1992 and then started wrestling on dark matches for WWE on May 18, 1992. The dark match seen below took place on January 29, 1992.

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