Watch WrestleMania XXX and the Hall of Fame for free, plus a note on Raw

WWE is offering another free trial for anyone that wants to try the WWE Network. I would highly recommend it if you haven’t already. WrestleMania XXX and the WWE Hall of Fame are up on the on demand section so you will be able to watch those shows for free if you sign up for the free trial. There’s tons of great stuff on there and they will be adding more content in the weeks to come. The $9.99 price is a great deal for any wrestling fan.

WWE Monday Night Raw is listed as a repeat on some cable systems and I’ve heard that some Comcast systems have it listed as three separate hours so if you are DVR’ing the show make sure to adjust your DVR settings accordingly.

Tonight’s show is going to be a regular show with tributes for the Ultimate Warrior. Vince McMahon and Triple H did interviews on Warrior over the weekend.

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