Will Jim Ross be at Old School Raw?

Jim Ross has a new blog up at Jrsbarbq.com. Here are a few excerpts:

On whether he will be on Old School Raw this Monday:

Been asked many times on Twitter @JRsBBQ and via Q&A’s here whether I will be a part of this Monday’s Old School Raw in Baltimore. I will not. I do plan on trying to watch it on TV but I will not be a part of the broadcast. There’s really no viable role for me to fill and it’s much too far to fly in for a backstage ‘cameo.’

Raw certainly doesn’t need a fourth voice at the broadcast table partaking in ‘witty repartee.’

Nonetheless I hope that RAW is entertaining and is respectful to the returning “Old Schoolers.”

Meeting Toby Keith:

Enjoyed visiting with my Okie friend Toby Keith in NOLA as we stayed at the same hotel for the Sugar Bowl and had dinner together Wednesday night. We talked a little pro wrestling business and philosophy as Toby is a fan and a very successful business man to go along with his amazing singing career.

On the Daniel Bryan/Wyatts storyline:

Getting lots of chatter from a variety of ‘experts’ who have the Daniel Bryan/Wyatt Family storyline all figured out with many condemning it while others are intrigued with it. I am in a ‘wait and see’ mode and prefer to allow it to play out and see where it goes.

For some, any thing short of Daniel Bryan being the WWE World Champion won’t work.

On returning superstars:

According to recent internet speculation who ISN’T going to wrestle at WM30?

The speculated list of those old timers returning to wrestle at WM30 in Nola and those returning to the Royal Rumble is somewhat comical.

WWE needs to use old school/veteran stars to draw eyes to the TV and sell tickets/PPV’s and to then facilitate young stars getting the ‘rub’ or benefiting by the number of new viewers that tune in to a given show. It’s not rocket science but it is about advancing young talents who are sticking around.

There is much more over at Jim Ross’ website.

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